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Adam Aberle

Adam Aberle

Department of the Army, Rapid Capabilities and Critical
Mr. Adam Aberle was appointed into the Army's Executive Service on 2 July 2023 as the Army's Senior Advisor for Directed Energy. As the Senior Advisor for Directed Energy, Mr. Aberle provides professional and executive oversight to ensure synchronization and adequate involvement in the development and prototyping of directed energy weapon systems and the Army's Directed Energy enterprise. He is responsible for ensuring coordination and communication is achieved across the Army's Science & Technology (S&T) and prototyping efforts in the directed energy domain. Previously, Mr. Aberle served as the Director for the Directed Energy Directorate at the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command (SMDC) Technical Center. In this role, he was responsible for coordinating directed energy S&T research efforts with Army Futures Command, the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology), the Army Research Laboratory, and the Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office. Previous roles include serving as the High Energy Laser Division Chief in the SMDC Technical Center and the Technical Director for the High Energy Laser Mobile Test Truck and the Robust Electric Laser Initiative at the SMDC Technical Center. Mr. Aberle began his career as an Army civil servant in 1991 at the Missile Research, Development, and Engineering Center as an electronic engineer co-op in the Optics and Laser Technology Branch. In this role, he managed the Masked Target Acquisition S&T program developing laser technology to detect difficult targets using a laser radar and light detection and ranging sensor systems. In 2000, Mr. Aberle transferred to the SMDC Technical Center where he was responsible for passive infrared science and technology efforts to combine real-time processing, custom algorithms, and commercially available hardware into a single integrated package for a satellite experiment effort to validate Army space requirements. In addition, he developed multiple concepts for observing targets in space using laser system and developed procedures to investigate advanced laser amplifier concepts and designs with the goal to increase laser power while maintaining beam quality and frequency stability. Mr. Aberle also served in the Alabama National Guard as a Signal Officer from 1995 to 2007, achieving the rank of Major prior to transferring to the Inactive Ready Reserves in 2007. Mr. Aberle has a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (1995) and Bachelor of Science in Engineering Physics (1995) from South Dakota State University. His training includes the Civilian Supervisor course, Civilian Personnel Management course, Defense Acquisition University Leadership Communications Workshop and Leadership Assessment Program, Georgia Tech Infrared Technology short course, University of Rochester Institute of Optics short course on Laser and Optics, and the National Defense Institute Joint Command Control Communication Information Staff and Operations course. Mr. Aberle has been a member of the Army Acquisition Corps since 2003 and is currently certified in three career fields: Level III in S&T Management, Level III in Engineering, and Level I in Program Management and is currently certified as a practitioner in Engineering and Technical Management. Mr. Aberle serves on the Board of Directors for the Directed Energy Professional Society. His awards include the 2022 NDIA Excellence in Leadership Award, Achievement Award for Civilian Service, Army Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Four Army Achievement Medals, three Alabama Commendation Medals, and two Alabama Humanitarian Service Medals. Mr. Aberle is a native of Sioux Falls, SD and is married to the former Theresa M. Swanson of Brandon, SD. They have three children: Austin (wife, Anna), Alexander, and Aaron (wife, Kacie) and two grandchildren: Emmett and Julia.