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Dr. Moe Khaleel

Dr. Moe Khaleel

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Dr. Moe Khaleel, the Associate Laboratory Director for National Security Sciences at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), guides the research and development of science-based solutions to counter critical threats to public safety, national defense, energy infrastructure and the economy. Leveraging the broad science foundation at ORNL, he oversees the work of multi-disciplinary research teams with signature capabilities in nuclear and uranium science, high-performance computing, geographic information science, cyber security science and advanced manufacturing.

Most recently, Dr. Khaleel served as ORNL's Deputy for Projects and interim Deputy for Science and Technology. He previously led ORNL's Energy & Environmental Sciences Directorate, leading the establishment of the Cybersecurity Manufacturing Innovation Institute, relocation and expansion of the Manufacturing Demonstration Facility, stabilization of the Carbon Fiber Technology Facility and establishment of the Grid Research and Integration Center. 

Before joining ORNL in 2015 to manage the Laboratory's Office of Institutional and Strategic Planning and its Advanced Research Project Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) program, Dr. Khaleel was executive director of the Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute, where he led the establishment and execution of programs in renewable energy, water conservation and atmospheric sciences.

Earlier, during a 20-year career at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Dr. Khaleel held several technical and senior managerial positions, including leadership of the Design and Manufacturing Technical Network, the Advanced Manufacturing Product Line, the Computational Mechanics and Material Behavior Group, and PNNL's Hydrogen, Transportation, and Industrial programs. He directed PNNL's Computational Sciences and Mathematics Division from 2003 to 2013 and was co-founder of the Northwest Institute for Advanced Computing at the University of Washington.

Dr. Khaleel received his doctorate in structural mechanics from Washington State University and an MBA from the Foster School of Business at the University of Washington. He is an adjunct professor in the School of Materials Science and Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology and a fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the American Society of Civil Engineers and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
