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Elisa Peters

Elisa Peters

Joint Additive Manufacturing Working Group (JAMWG)
Elisa Peters, Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) is the co-facilitator leading the DoD Joint Additive Manufacturing Working Group (JAMWG) for the Office of the Secretary of Defense Research and Engineering (OSD R&E). As a senior program manager, she leads advanced manufacturing initiatives which includes the DLA Joint AM Acceptability (JAMA) project. Elisa also supports the Advanced Robotics Manufacturing Innovation Institute. Colonel Peters was commissioned in 1995 through the U.S. Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps at St. Michael's College after graduating with a Bachelor's degree in mathematics from the University of Vermont. She earned her Master's degree in human relations from University of Oklahoma Advanced Programs in 1998. She then completed Air Command and Staff College in 2012, and Senior Development Education/Air War College in 2018. LtCol Peters served on active duty as an Acquisition Program Manager and Senior Operations Research Analyst for nearly 13 years before transitioning to her Air Force Reserve position as a Program Manager at Defense Logistics Agency (DLA). Her active duty accomplishments included bomber, fighter and C4ISR testing, cargo/tanker schoolhouse quality assurance; and fighter operations, maintenance and deployments. She served 15 years as a reservist and completed her reserve duty by making a major contribution to the AM modernization of the defense industrial base by ensuring common processes thoughout the DoD. While LtCol Peters served as a part-time DLA reservist, her full-time civilian duties included program management and contract management for fielding multiple Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) aircraft, weapons and aircraft-related, aircrew-related, and carrier flight deck mission support development programs.