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Joseph Rutigliano, Jr.

Joseph Rutigliano, Jr.

HQ Marine Corps
United States
Mr. Rutigliano is the Head, International and Operational Law Branch, Judge Advocate Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps. He has served with the Branch since July 1998. He also serves as the Special Assistant on Law of War Matters. His responsibilities include providing advice on law of war issues, rules of engagement and for the use of force, international agreements/treaties, domestic operations, intelligence law, cyber law, information operations, and other areas of international and domestic law impacting military exercises, training, and operations. Mr. Rutigliano is a former Marine Captain and judge advocate, and a veteran of Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. Mr. Rutigliano graduated magna cum laude from Syracuse University College of Law in 1986 and is a member of the New York and New Jersey bars.